Setting up dual panels on your dual monitor XFCE 4 setup can be tedious. If you don’t want to spend time configuring the panel, there is another way to set up dual panels on XFCE 4: use an existing configuration. To install the pre-configured panel setup on XFCE 4, follow the step-by-step instructions below.

Sep 29, 2017 · Note that if you have NIS set up, just add these to the same line. Note: Ensure that the list of authorised IP addresses includes the localhost address ( ) as the startup scripts in recent versions of Ubuntu use the rpcinfo command to discover NFSv3 support, and this will be disabled if localhost is unable to connect. Aug 08, 2018 · How to quickly set up an FTP server on Ubuntu 18.04 by Jack Wallen in Networking on August 8, 2018, 2:40 PM PST If you need an FTP server up and running quickly, you can't beat the ease of VSFTP. Oct 24, 2018 · The procedure to set up secure ssh keys on Ubuntu 18.04: Create the key pair using ssh-keygen command. Copy and install the public key using ssh-copy-id command. Add yourself to sudo admin account on Ubuntu 18.04 server. Disable the password login for root account on Ubuntu 18.04. Sample set up for SSH Keys on Ubuntu 18.04 Setting up dual panels on your dual monitor XFCE 4 setup can be tedious. If you don’t want to spend time configuring the panel, there is another way to set up dual panels on XFCE 4: use an existing configuration. To install the pre-configured panel setup on XFCE 4, follow the step-by-step instructions below.

May 13, 2009 · To install Ubuntu permanently on your PC, you'll need to have a hard disk area set up for it. There are three common options for this setup: Replace the existing operating system on your hard drive with Ubuntu. Install Ubuntu on a second hard drive. Partition an existing hard drive to include Ubuntu.

Jan 28, 2018 · Ubuntu is supposed to be fairly simple to use with lots of attention put on a solid/reliable well-thought-out Linux user experience. My experience setting up a multi-drive Ubuntu computer showed it's not quite as smooth a user experience as the Ubuntu reputation would lead you to believe. $ sudo ifconfig wlan0 down $ sudo ip link set wlan0 down both correcly put down the interface and the connectivity does not work; but then $ sudo ifconfig wlan0 up $ sudo ip link set wlan up did not restore the connectivity! This is the output of ip link show after putting the interface down:

In the last guide, you learned how to set up, install, and configure Ansible on Ubuntu 18.04.Now, you will use the Ansible to install and set Docker on a remote machine. Ubuntu Setup Review If you're tired of Windows as an opperating system and want to try something new, Ubuntu Setup will facilitate the installation of the various Linux distributions. Once you have completed the configuration options, Ubuntu Setup will download an image of the the OS via torrent. Jun 24, 2020 · Removing unnecessary startup applications helps you speed up Ubuntu a little. Delay the start up programs. What if you do not want to remove programs at the start up but want to optimize the system performance at the boot time? In that case, you can add a delay in various programs so that not all the programs will be starting at the same time. This article describes how you can configure a DHCP client in Ubuntu or any other related Linux distribution. Sign Up ‹ back to login. Get reset password link May 13, 2009 · To install Ubuntu permanently on your PC, you'll need to have a hard disk area set up for it. There are three common options for this setup: Replace the existing operating system on your hard drive with Ubuntu. Install Ubuntu on a second hard drive. Partition an existing hard drive to include Ubuntu. Ubuntu install of ROS Hydro. We are building Debian packages for several Ubuntu platforms, listed below. These packages are more efficient than source-based builds and are our preferred installation method for Ubuntu.