However, I keep getting disconnected from the Internet every few minutes. The loss of connections is a few seconds, then comes back on, but it keeps happening over and over. I've called tech support at my cable company, and they did all kinds of tests. Their conclusion was that it must be coming from my computers modem. I need help.

“Unfortunately my internet signal is so choppy” means The router quits working each time I try to do the steps others have suggested to fix the issue. FYI - I assumed the model number of my router shows up in my messages, as I have pasted it in my requests for help (as … Smart TV Keeps Losing Wifi - Problems and Ways to Fix The Location of Your WiFi Router. If you’re living in an uneasily shaped or big home, the setting of … Spectrum modem keep dropping internet connection. Nov 15, 2009 My Router Keeps Losing Internet Connection - How to Fix Jul 17, 2020

Spectrum modem keep dropping internet connection.

Mar 09, 2018 why do I keep losing my internet connection? - Microsoft Oct 17, 2013

May 22, 2013

Within just the last two weeks, I've had some other family members come to live with me. They're able to access the internet with their devices, no problem. But my computer keeps losing its connection. Even during the times I can't access the internet, my computer shows that it's connected to the network.