Jul 24, 2020 · Comparison of two identical Dell Latitude 131L (AMD Turion 2 GHz) Laptops. Booting, login, Browser benchmark, Memory usage and shutdown. AMD64. Lubuntu is a fast and lightweight operating system with a clean and easy-to-use user interface. It is a Linux system, that uses the minimal desktop LXDE/LXQT, and a selection of light applications. Because of this, Lubuntu has very low hardware requirements. Lubuntu was founded by Mario Behling and has been grown for many years by Julien Lavergne. Jan 05, 2019 · Quick overview – Linux Mint Cinnamon vs Ubuntu (18.04+) If you’re too lazy to go through our detailed comparison, check the table below for a quick overview. Linux Mint is based on Ubuntu, so they are quite similar to begin with. Whichever one you like better. Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and Linux Mint 19 are the same thing, just packaged differently. What the Mint team does is take the latest Ubuntu LTS release, and package it with its own software. Nov 22, 2019 · Linux mint comes with better driver support for hardware. If you have an NVidia GPU then Linux mint has a much better driver support as compared to Ubuntu. All the major codecs come bundled with Linux mint but this is not the case in Ubuntu, where you will have to install them manually. You may want to read: Linux mint 19.1 features. Community

Mar 23, 2019

Linux Mint 20: Cinnamon VS Mate VS XFCE : Which one is SNAPPIER? I want to open LibreOffice in 1 freakin' second (I'm in Lubuntu 20.04 right now and it does that, but it's somewhat ugly).

Linux Mint vs Lubuntu for an old laptop

Ubuntu vs. Mint: Which Linux Distro Is Better for Beginners? Mint is actually based off Ubuntu, but the two have grown apart quite a bit. However, they're both designed to be an easy, usable experience for beginners—they just take different approaches to it.